Wednesday, 14 November 2012

My First Gingerbread House

Last Saturday I went to a Gingerbread-House-Decorating evening with a colleague. We were supplied with everything pre-made and ready to go, which made the whole process very easy. I feel that my cooking skills would let me down more than my decorating skills.

I took a photo once the major construction was finished, just in case it later collapsed.

While that set, last year's MasterChef winner, Kate, talked to us about food and Jesus and stuff.

Then we got to decorate. I had to steal some of the supper items to complete my vision, and it was very hard  not to constantly eat the decorating supplies, but I succeeded on both counts. Mostly.

I feel inspired. Next time I think I'd like to take on something more ambitious (of course I would). But with less Jesus. We're going to have our own gingerbread house making. With Blackjack. And hookers.


  1. Mark says he's in for the blackjack and hookers. :-)

  2. Looks very cool. Do you have specifically more ambitious plans? (gingerbread casino? gingerbread castle?) or just 'more ambitious' generally?

    1. Well naturally I thought of a Halloween gingerbread haunted house, but mostly I was just thinking a more ambitious shape of house with cooler decorations. I like your suggestions though.
